Structuring Terraform for world domination

How many programmers does it take to launch an AWS EC2 instance? How about launching a hundred? With an orderly set of Terraform configurations, our four-person team looks after a worldwide set of cloud resources, with no sysadmins.

I’ll share the current setup we have working. Things change, our infrastructure morphs, Terraform 0.12 will be out soon, shaking things up. But for the moment, this is what works for us and keeps our customers’ applications running 24/7.

A word of caution before you proceed: the text presumes some knowledge of Terraform and AWS, in particular the syntax and common resource types. Most of the code examples are incomplete, shortened for clarity. The final section contains a link to the full Git repository, with all examples in one place. Might be easier to follow than the fragmented code snippets posted here.


Let’s start with the requirements we have to work to:

  • Use cloud- and managed services. We’re only four programmers working on this project, and so want to spend as little time on infrastructure as possible.
  • Use a variety of services. The right tool for the right job—AWS S3, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudFront, Lambda and others, plus non-AWS ones, like MongoDB Atlas. (That’s why a single-vendor automation solution, like AWS’s CloudFormation, won’t work.)
  • Deploy to multiple regions. Our customer operates in dozens of countries, and we want infrastructure to stay close to the users—for performance and legal reasons.
  • Support multiple brands in each country. Some of their infrastructure is shared, and some is distinct.

Multiply the countries, times brands, times regions, and we’re looking at tens, hundreds, eventually thousands of resources. Daunting? Perhaps. But here’s where core programming principles come in handy.


The three principles we follow, in no particular order, are these:

  • Don’t Repeat Yourself—use Terraform variables and modules to reuse configurations for similar resources.
  • Encapsulation—package resources comprising a single service into their own modules.
  • Domain-Driven Design—name the modules, as much as possible, in business terms.

We started with a root structure of:

├── countries
├── infrastructure
├── main.tfvars
└── is the entry point. contains definitions for parameters we either want to keep out of the source code repository (like AWS keys and passwords) or those we may want to override via the command line. main.tfvars contains sensitive variables and it’s never checked into the repository (guarded by .gitignore). Then there are the directories: infrastructure contains reusable modules used inside countries to build up their specific, uhm, infrastructure.

Global Resources

/ begins with definitions of global resources. Some AWS resources are one-per-account—things like roles, users. These need to be set up once. We keep them in their own modules referenced from /

module "roles" {
  source = "./infrastructure/roles"

module "users" {
  source = "./infrastructure/users"

Both the roles and users modules have their own with ARNs, usernames and other identifiers that are then fed into the country modules.

On this level, we also have a definition for the us-east-1 (Virginia) AWS region. (Other regions for the AWS provider are defined inside country modules—remember, we’re multi-region.) It’s used to configure resources which AWS defines as “Global”, while in reality they’re based in Virginia:

provider "aws" {
  alias   = "us_east_1"
  region  = "us-east-1"

Notice the alias field, which lets us use this provider only when we need it, ie. with SSL certificates for CloudFront:

resource "aws_acm_certificate" "cdn" {
  provider = "aws.us_east_1"

Country Configurations

/ ends with the countries. Each one has its own module inside the /countries directory:

├── france
│ ├──
│ └──
├── poland
│ ├──
│ └──
└── spain

Each country is configured with the variables we need for it:

module "poland" {
  source = "./countries/poland"
  aws_region                    = "eu-central-1"
  cidr_pragmatists_office       = "${var.cidr_pragmatists_office}"
  elasticbeanstalk_ec2_role     = "${module.roles.elasticbeanstalk_ec2_role_name}"
  elasticbeanstalk_service_role = "${module.roles.elasticbeanstalk_service_role_name}"
  organization                  = "poland"

We’re passing the region to set up the provider for that country, then our office’s CIDR for VPC Security Group setup, then roles needed for Elastic Beanstalk (notice their module prefix—these are the global resources), and finally there’s organization which we’re using for billing.

Corporate accounting always manages to somehow creep into code, and infrastructure is no different. Our customer wants each of their country organizations to be billed separately, so we’re adding an organization tag to every AWS resource, which we then use to calculate costs.

Every country’s starts with the AWS provider configuration, binding it to the specified region:

provider "aws" {
  region = "${var.aws_region}"

Unlike the us-east-1 region provider we configured in /, this one has no alias param, so it’ll implicitly be used for that country’s resources.

The second item for each country is its VPC setup. Because AWS doesn’t have a region in each country, we’re usually hosting multiple customer countries in one region—each one with its own VPC. We decided to use a 10.*.0.0/16 subnet for each country, with the second octet set to the international calling code for the country—48 for Poland, 33 for France etc.

locals {
  vpc_cidr_block = ""

module "networking" {
  source         = "../../infrastructure/networking"

  organization   = "${var.organization}"
  vpc_cidr_block = "${local.vpc_cidr_block}"

You’ll notice that the above starts to get a bit ugly. We have an /infrastructure/networking module, with the VPC, subnets, routing, gateways and everything related, and we have to reference it with its relative path, hence ../../. Then there’s the organization parameter again. Terraform doesn’t support global variables, so we literally have to pass it around everywhere.

With networking in place, each country has nested modules for their global infrastructure and for each brand:

module "global" {
  source     = "./global"

  aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
  vpc_id     = "${module.networking.vpc_id}"

module "brand_one" {
  source     = "./brand-one"

  aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
  vpc_id     = "${module.networking.vpc_id}"

module "brand_two" {
  source     = "./brand-two"

  aws_region = "${var.aws_region}"
  vpc_id     = "${module.networking.vpc_id}"

We’re passing in the aws_region here, because some configurations are different depending on the region, i.e. when new EC2 machine types are introduced, they’re usually getting rolled out gradually across the world. This way, we can take advantage of them early, where available.

There’s more. We have test environments for each brand and country, so these also need to be accounted for. They form the next level of nesting in country modules:

├── global
│ ├──
│ ├── dev
│ │ └──
│ ├── prod
│ │ └──
│ └── uat
│   └──
└── brand-one
  ├── dev
  │ └──
  ├── prod
  │ └──
  └── uat

A typical inside brand-one will look like:

# Application

module "client_panel_application" {
  source = "../../../infrastructure/api/application"
  name   = "Application Name"

# Environments

module "dev" {
  source           = "./dev"

  organization     = "${var.organization}"
  application_name = "${}"
  vpc_id           = "${var.vpc_id}"
  region           = "${var.aws_region}"

module "uat" {
  source           = "./uat"

  organization     = "${var.organization}"
  application_name = "${}"
  vpc_id           = "${var.vpc_id}"
  region           = "${var.aws_region}"

module "prod" {
  source           = "./prod"

  organization     = "${var.organization}"
  vpc_id           = "${var.vpc_id}"
  application_name = "${}"
  region           = "${var.aws_region}"

The client_panel_application module creates an Elastic Beanstalk Application, which is then shared by the environments.

Is that it? Not necessarily. Sometimes we have more submodules inside global for each brand, in order to group things that go together, i.e. all DNS configurations for Route 53, which only applies to the prod environment:

└── prod
  ├── dns
  │ └──

What’s in Infrastructure?

While it looks as though we have a lot of code inside the countries directory (and technically that’s true), most of it is referencing modules inside infrastructure because all brands and countries rely on the same application code and share mostly the same setup.

We’re trying to name infrastructure modules following DDD-rules, using names related to the business domains we’re building for. It doesn’t always apply, i.e. with roles or networking but in any case, we avoid using technology names, like S3 or Lambda or anything else vendor-specific.

Here are some examples:

├── api
├── asset-store
├── backoffice
├── client-panel
└── networking

Some of these directories contain multiple modules, i.e. for the api which is running on Elastic Beanstalk, where we need a separate module for creating the application, and there are differences between production and non-production environments (mostly in load-balancing capacity, if you’re wondering):

├── application
├── dev
├── prod
└── uat

Infrastructure modules group everything needed to set up a given group of resources, including external templates, policies and the like. For instance, there’s an asset-store which is an S3 bucket with a public read policy and specific user access policies for uploading:

├── policy-iam-s3-user-access.json.tpl
└── policy-s3-asset-store.json.tpl

We’re then rendering these policies inside the module’s

data "template_file" "s3_bucket_policy" {
  template = "${file("${path.module}/policy-s3-asset-store.json.tpl")}"
  vars {
    s3_bucket = "${local.s3_bucket}"

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "default" {
  bucket = "${local.s3_bucket}"
  policy = "${data.template_file.s3_bucket_policy.rendered}"

Complete Project

Not really “complete”, because we cannot, obviously, publish actual customer code. Plus, the whole setup now includes over 100 files and counting. But here’s a repo with all the examples described above, and all the cross-references between them. You can use it for inspiration or as a skeleton for any similar project you might have.

Once Terraform 0.12 is out, we’re sure to upgrade our code and very likely to post a follow-up, detailing the benefits (or drawbacks) we encountered.


Thanks to Łukasz Kyć and Zbigniew Artemiuk for their reviews and feedback. Reposted with permission from Pragmatists.

I make software. And other things. Mostly in Warsaw, Poland, from wherever there’s an Internet connection, power outlet and fresh coffee. I love to read and learn how the world works. You should follow me at @mpaluchowski.

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